Boston Decr 18 1773

Dear Will,

presentt calm 人们的镇静,一个陌生人很难想到这一点
ten 当晚,东印度公司数千磅的茶叶被毁, or
rather eveng before last, yet its a serious truth; and if yours together wth ye other South–
欧洲各省应该对th感到满意 可怜的波士顿会觉得他们的配额被低估了
the whole weight of ministerial vengeance; however, its the opinion of most People
that we 现在有同样的机会,无论军队是否因此而被派遣,
或者没有,然而,如果它是Stord,我们必然会有 ; 'em, to enforcd
它的出售——这件事是与 greatest regularity & dispatch
you can conceive of. Mr. Rotch findg he 暴露自己不仅要失去他的
ship, but for ye value of the tea in case he sent her back wth it his ship, without a
clearce from ye Custom hs.海军上将时刻准备着一艘船
拒绝遵守他以前的诺言, & absolutely Declard his vessell
不应该携带它,没有适当的许可可以获得, or he to be
因为她的价值而得到赔偿——当一次全体集会 assembled,
from this & 凡邻近的城邑,你们都按着数目 five or six thousand,
星期四上午10点,在老南方集会上 house, where they passd
一致通过,茶叶应该退出 the harbour that afternoon, &
sent a committee wth Mr Rotch to ye Custom hos. to demand a clearance, which the
collector told ‘em was not in 他的权力给予,而不以责任为先
paid, they then sent Mr 罗奇去找弥尔顿,请求总督放行,他派
for answer, that “符合政府的规定, & his duty to the
King he 如果他们没有事先从法院获得许可,就不能批准吗
他一读完信,就发出了惊天动地的喊叫,引起了他的注意 me,
while drinkg tea at home to go out, & know the cause of it, the house was so
拥挤的人只能走到你的门廊,我就是在那里找到你的 moderator, was
刚刚宣布解散会议,这导致 another general Shout,
outdoors & in, of three cheers; what wth that, & the consequent noise of breaking
up the meetng, you'd tho't the 地狱地区的居民已经逃跑了.
for my part, I went contentedly home & 我喝完了茶,但很快就被通知了
what was going 向前,但仍不相信它没有眼睛的证明
tion, I went & 我很满意,据说他们在山堡集结了
number of about 200 & proceeded, 2 by 2 to Griffins wharfe, where Hall, Bruce and

棺材躺着,每个人都有114个倒霉的箱子 article on board, the two former
只有那篇文章,但你是后一篇 昨天才送到你妻子那里,已经装船了
with a large quantity 其他的东西,他们非常小心地不去做
injure in the 至少在晚上九点钟以前,把船上的每一只箱子都取出来
the 3艘船,被撞成碎片,扔到两边——他们说
their heads muffled & 铜色的脸,每个手臂上都有一把
短柄小斧,斧头,手枪,也不是他们的 dialect different from what I
设想那些天才说话,就像他们的 jargon was uninteligible to all
但是他们自己——一点侮辱也没有 offerd to any person, save
一个是康纳上尉,一个是马的信 place, not many years since
从亲爱的爱尔兰来的,是谁把你带走的 lining of his coat & waistcoat
腋下,看着他的机会 had nearly filld 'em wth tea, but
being detected, was handled pretty 粗暴地,他们不仅剥夺了他的
cloaths, but gave him a coat of 泥,带着严重的瘀伤, &
nothing but their utter 他不愿制造任何麻烦
being tard & featherd.

Post, hadn't I tho't you 我希望听到更详细的叙述,
of so important a transaction, than you could have obtaind by comn
report, and if it affords 我的兄弟不过是一时的消遣,
I Shall be more than repaid for the trouble of writing it

mild & at the same time very 不健康,炎症性发烧盛行,这甚至是你们中最常见的 amiable & 和蔼可亲、多才多艺的姑娘们
us, a 亨德森·英克斯的女儿,与她的母亲合并
earth, after 病了才4天,就这样突然过渡过来了
being Seizd; and 约翰诺特夫人,医生的长女
Cooper was carrd to her grave; had I time amp; paper, Bill, I have a large
field to 说教,但必须预留足够的空间去熟悉
you, that my dear 露西在他手下已经三个星期了
past, being afflicted wth 重感冒,伴有持续的疼痛
in her head & 我的胃已稍好,祝身体健康 &
prosperity I rest y Fd. & Bror. [your Friend & Brother?]

Jno Andrews

[Date at bottom of page:] Saturday evng 10 O Clock
18 Decr 1773

[Upside down at the top of the page]

你刚收到邮件,就知道它从哪里来了 came, –
你可以祝福你的星星,因为你没有H________[哈钦森] & board of Commisr
resident with you -- I forgot to 昨晚认识你的那个爱,在一个
brig belongg to Clarke, one of 你们的收货人,就在科德角后面的岸上
drove thither, by a 上个星期五的风暴,谁有最后的茶叶配额
this place, being 58个箱子,其中完成了400个通知,一些
Indians were met on 这是一条通往普利茅斯的公路,在这边大约50英里
Cape Cod – its 不幸的是,船上没有灯,用于照明
our Streets, 如果他们失去了,我感到遗憾,因为我们将被剥夺他们的利益
this winter, in consequence of it

[At the bottom of the page]

to Messrs Hayley & 霍普金斯,第二个在海利斯科特船长号上
你的地方的威廉姆森通过了. – tender my best respects to Mr
Fooks & my regards to Mr Mifflin & Lady, tell him, if he has a
he would think of his friend J. Andrews


William Barrell